Physiotherapy in Poynton
Able 2 Physio has a clinic at 11 Fountain Place, Poynton.
There is a flight of stairs to climb to access the clinic so it is not appropriate for those of you with restricted mobility. If your mobility is restricted we’ll do home visits.
There is ample parking around the centre of the village and disabled parking outside the Post Office.
Clinics are held at these times:
Monday 8am – 8pm.
Tuesdays 8am – 12:30pm.
Wednesdays 8am – 12:30pm.
Thursday 8am – 9pm.
Friday 8am – 6:30pm.
Saturday & Sunday Closed.
11 Fountain Place,
SK12 1XQ
If you would like to book an appointment at this clinic please:
- Telephone 01625 460382 or mobile 07869 139088. You can leave a message if there is no answer. Able 2 Physio will return your call as soon as we can.
- Email
If you have a question or a general enquiry please click on the Contact us Page and fill in the online form.