At ABLE2 we offer Physio-Led Rehab Pilates Classes
This means it is safe and enjoyable for you to do even if you have had an injury or suffer from a long standing condition like back pain.
The type of Pilates taught at ABLE2 is Body Control Pilates. Body Control Pilates is a progressive approach to Pilates which places emphasis on breaking complex exercises down into stages which allows anybody of any experience and ability to take part safely in Pilates.
- Makes Pilates accessible to all – all kinds of people, all kinds of bodies, all kinds of abilities in all environments, whether at home or in a studio
- Teaches precision of movement, how your body is designed to move so it is very safe and effective
- Simple exercises your body can safely deal with and build up the flexibility and strength required for the more traditional and complex Pilates exercises
- It is taught step by step at the right level for you, layering on the skills needed to do the full mat
- Provides education and awareness on understanding how your body moves, improves posture and prepares you for the more advanced exercises whilst helping to relive pain and stiffness